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Thursday 18 January 2018




The botanical name Helianthus originates from the Greek words helios (Sun) and andanthos (flower).
Other Common Names: Common sunflower, wild sunflower, solsikke (Danish), Sonnenblume (German), girasol (Spanish), tournesol (French).


Common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is native to North America.
It has become naturalized in many European countries and today it is cultivated on a grand scale in Russia due to the popularity of the oil produced from the plant’s seeds.


Sunflower is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the daisy family, the largest and one of the most popular plants from this family.x
It can grow up to 4 meters in height. The root is hairy and made of fiber, and it creates plenty of spacious roots that can penetrate up to 3 meters in the ground.
Due to its deep roots and ability to soak up water and harmful substances, sunflowers are often used for the drying of wetlands and cleaning of contaminated soil: waste waters, lead, and radioactive substances.

The leaves are large, individual, with long stems, and heart-shaped. The stem usually develops 20-25 leaves.
The center of the head is composed of small yellow-brown or red-brown TUBULAR flowers, surrounded by yellow petals that are up to 10 centimeters long.

 There are two types of flowers:

 large petals that form a yellow wreath and small flowers that form fruit.
From the center flowers of sunflower, oval and flat black and dappled fruits develop.
Within every fruit, there is one light gray seed, rich in herbal oils, vitamins, proteins, and minerals. A mature sunflower can contain up to half a kilo of seeds.

Plant Parts Used:

Therapeutic and Traditional Uses of Sunflower

Active Ingredient and Substances: 

Sunflower oil and oil cakes are used extensively in the food industry as a high quality energy food. These days, there are numerous sunflower breeds, grown for oil production and their voluminous forage.

Oil is made of two types of seed: 

small black seeds that deliver high-quality oil and large grayish-black seeds with white stripes that are used for food.
Sunflower seeds of 100 grams contain 25 grams proteins, 42 grams fat, 1 gram carbs and 4 grams herbal fiber. The energy value is 2450 kj (585 kcal). The seed contains vitamin A, vitamins from the B group, vitamin E, and of minerals, there are arecalcium, phosphorus, ironandsodium.
The flower petals contain anthocyanicglycosides, xanthophyll, choline, betaine, carotenoids, phytosterines, sapogenins and sunflower acid.
A Great Source of Vitamin E
Since ancient times, the plant seed has been thought of as one of the best and most nutritious foods and rightly so as the seed contains almost 23% protein and all the essential amino acids in a significant volume.
A sunflower seed is highly nutritious and contains a high oil level. Just 25 grams of seeds a day will satisfy the daily body need for vitamin E.
Additionally, sunflower seeds are a great source of various minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, natrium, potassium, and iron.
All this combined with previously mentioned vitamins makes it an excellent nutrient that would make a great addition to everyone’s regular daily diet.

Sunflower Use in Herbal Medicine

Vitamin E and selenium are strong antioxidants that are thought to neutralize free radicals and thus protect the body from numerous diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and malignant cancers.
Vitamin E is important for brain functions. It is also considered that sunflower seeds help with increasing sexual power, improve digestion, enhance energy levels, strengthen bones and muscle and work against infertility and can even help with multiple sclerosis.
Sunflower seeds are one of the best sources of phenylalanine, a substance that helps prevent pain due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Culinary Uses of Sunflower

The sunflower has an important role in the kitchen because its seeds are rich in proteins almost as much as a meat. The seed can be eaten raw, dried and fried. The seed is used to prepare different spreads with tofu and some vegetables. It is perfect to add to a bread or pastry. The seed is also recommended as a worthy addition to breakfast with fresh fruit or fresh cheese.
Sunflower seeds can also be added to main meals, for example to soups or salads; they are used in cakes, fruit salads, and other desserts. Grounded seeds can be added to broths and gravy as well as an addition to morning granola and muesli.
When it comes to the use of sunflower seed oil, it is best to use cold-pressed oil in preparation of salads or vegetables. 

Therapeutic Dosages

For the preparation of sunflower petals tincture: 3-4 spoons of dry petals should be put in a smaller glass jar with a wide neck and covered with 2 dl of 70% alcohol, and then close firmly. Leave at room temperature and occasionally stir.
After 3-4 weeks, strain and keep in a dark bottle. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, dissolved in a little bit of water or tea.

Side Effects and Interactions of Sunflower

Sunflower is usually regarded as a safe herb or plant to use, be it as oil, food or medicine. People with known allergy to plants in the daisy family should be cautious when using the plant.

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